The Secret

Summer should be a fun event for a child, not a horrifying one. Some play with furby's while others enjoy to swim. As being a child trained in the 4th grade sciences, I do not believe that the message I had read was real, but it may have been.
It was a cool summer night, and a piece of paper flying through the wind suddenly stuck to my face and blinded me for a moment. The page sparked a match of curiosity as I read the words on the page:
"Dear reader,
If you go to the large oak tree, the one that is in the center of the neighborhood, you will find a secret message. The message is read differently by anyone who reads it, as I put a spell on it. The secret message will be able to say something about you, even if you have never met me. If you post the message anywhere else, or rewrite the secret I know about you, the spell will not be broken. It will still be read differently by each person who reads it.
That's not to say however, that sometimes the message will be the same if it pertains to more than one person who reads it. I advise you read the message and share it to the world. It will prove that no matter what you do, I will always know something about you.
Yours truly,
Friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man"
I went to the tree, and was shocked in horror at the message I read. It was true, it did say something about me, a few things. And now I will share it with the world.
"You are alive
You are reading this message,
I got a dig bick
You that read wrong,
You read that wrong, too."